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Arkonor BUY 2,401.55 -0.45 (-0.02%)SELL 3,900.00 +81.00 (+2.12%)MEDIAN 1,012.00 +12.00 (+1.20%)VOLUME 3,711,045.00 -0.11M (-2.97%)
Bistot BUY 1,556.51 -44.49 (-2.78%)SELL 4,599.01 +849.01 (+22.64%)MEDIAN 1,512.02 -44.49 (-2.86%)VOLUME 2,184,955.00 -27.56K (-1.25%)
Crokite BUY 1,600.00 -170.34 (-9.62%)SELL 3,983.98 =MEDIAN 1,069.00 -531.00 (-33.19%)VOLUME 1,464,480.00 -0.17M (-10.64%)
Dark Ochre BUY 1,480.00 +476.31 (+47.46%)SELL 6,997.89 +997.90 (+16.63%)MEDIAN 917.30 -87.12 (-8.67%)VOLUME 1,138,103.00 -1.47M (-56.34%)
Gneiss BUY 230.39 -9.61 (-4.00%)SELL 1,502.15 -0.01 (-0.00%)MEDIAN 200.00 =VOLUME 7,936,442.00 -1.45M (-15.42%)
Hedbergite BUY 400.01 -1.65 (-0.41%)SELL 775.00 -15.00 (-1.90%)MEDIAN 198.47 -201.54 (-50.38%)VOLUME 23,683,556.00 -0.72M (-2.94%)
Hemorphite BUY 350.02 -49.98 (-12.50%)SELL 1,732.00 +66.00 (+3.96%)MEDIAN 289.63 -60.39 (-17.25%)VOLUME 36,175,277.00 -0.36M (-0.98%)
Jaspet BUY 322.00 =SELL 469.55 -19.45 (-3.98%)MEDIAN 232.16 -89.84 (-27.90%)VOLUME 49,628,976.00 +3.83M (+8.36%)
Kernite BUY 170.11 =SELL 328.00 +1.38 (+0.42%)MEDIAN 188.62 -1.39 (-0.73%)VOLUME 665,672,774.00 -8.59M (-1.27%)
Mercoxit BUY 557.95 -319.83 (-36.44%)SELL 27,999.99 -0.01 (-0.00%)MEDIAN 105.13 -125.00 (-54.32%)VOLUME 786,232.00 +0.28M (+54.04%)
Omber BUY 70.00 =SELL 189.54 +0.02 (+0.01%)MEDIAN 72.04 +0.03 (+0.04%)VOLUME 796,604,178.00 -11.14M (-1.38%)
Plagioclase BUY 42.91 =SELL 51.01 -0.07 (-0.14%)MEDIAN 42.93 +0.01 (+0.02%)VOLUME 2,129,832,559.00 -62.22M (-2.84%)
Pyroxeres BUY 44.02 +0.22 (+0.50%)SELL 52.50 -0.46 (-0.87%)MEDIAN 44.64 +0.13 (+0.29%)VOLUME 1,974,603,824.00 -3.85M (-0.19%)
Scordite BUY 22.25 -0.25 (-1.11%)SELL 25.75 -0.22 (-0.85%)MEDIAN 22.57 -0.07 (-0.31%)VOLUME 5,454,394,161.00 +35.85M (+0.66%)
Spodumain BUY 92.35 -576.66 (-86.20%)SELL 5,944.88 -1.12 (-0.02%)MEDIAN 1.00 -1.26 (-55.75%)VOLUME 2,745,420.00 +1.63M (+146.28%)
Veldspar BUY 12.20 -0.05 (-0.41%)SELL 14.04 -0.11 (-0.78%)MEDIAN 12.20 -0.07 (-0.57%)VOLUME 9,885,360,969.00 +0.22B (+2.29%)
EVE Markets Index 120.29 Today -1.92 30-day +7.07

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